Discordant Theories of Strategic Management And Emergent Practice In Knowledge-Intensive Organizations


  • Sally Burford University of Canberra
  • Monica Kennedy University of Canberra
  • Stuart Ferguson University of Canberra
  • Deborah Blackman University of Canberra


knowledge management, Practice-based studies, Strategic management, Knowledge-intensive work


This paper argues that there is a significant gap between theories of traditional scientific management and theories attending to practice and self-organisation as they apply to knowledge-intensive organisations. Knowledge work and innovative endeavours in organizational settings are often approached from contrasting perspectives: strategic, topdown direction on one hand and emergent, practice-based on the other. This paper describes the discord that can result from these disparate approaches. In outlining the polarities evident in current theories and perspectives of strategic management and emergent practice and in establishing a troubled space between them, the paper suggests that opportunities exist for more effective facilitation of knowledge activities in organizations by attending to the gap.




How to Cite

Burford, S., Kennedy, M., Ferguson, S., & Blackman, D. (2011). Discordant Theories of Strategic Management And Emergent Practice In Knowledge-Intensive Organizations. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice. Retrieved from https://journals.klalliance.org/index.php/JKMP/article/view/151


