

  • Bruce Chien-Ta Ho National Chung Hsing University
  • Jayanthi Ranjan Institute of Management Technology


knowledge management


Business innovation significantly contributes to the improvement in enterprise productivity and quality. Innovation and research are integral components of business strategy and success. Companies constantly look for innovative processes and methods to gain a competitive advantage. At the International Conference on Innovations in Redefining Business Horizons (IIRB 2008) IMT Ghaziabad, India, nearly 260 academicians and practitioners from around the world gathered to present research on the topic of business innovation and knowledge development. By doing so, these researchers shared state-of-the-art best practices with their colleagues from academia, government and industry. Knowledge Management should embody the organizational processes that seek synergistic combination of data and information-processing capacity of information technologies on the one hand, and the creative and innovative capacity of human beings on the other. Knowledge Management practices can differ according to the nature of the organization: project-based, umbrella corporations, virtual business communities or any multi-directional network. At the knowledge management tool level, researchers and entrepreneurs are racing to create the next generation of effective knowledge management applications and infrastructure, including communication, storage, gathering, dissemination, and synthesis. We are pleased to introduce this Special Issue on “Knowledge-based Data Management Approaches”. This Special Issue contains five papers, discussing major challenges and developments in data management.




How to Cite

Ho, B. C.-T., & Ranjan, J. (2010). Editorial. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice. Retrieved from https://journals.klalliance.org/index.php/JKMP/article/view/261


