Models of Governance and the Importance of KM for Public Administration


  • Cristiano Trindade De Angelis Skema Business School


Knowledge Management, Gen X, Gen Y, Web 2.0, Networking, Public Administration


From an historical perspective, the shifts from the y generation to x generation and from the Industrial Society to Knowledge Society have been influenced by the social, demographic, organizational, technological revolutions and the development of collaboration networks (Web 2.0), underlining the changes about the role of the state and its leading role towards Web 3.0, the era of connected Intelligence. In particular, the passage from a management model (New Public Management), that concentrates knowledge in the higher levels of the organisation, towards a networking model, that transfers and creates "knowledge" without limits, but mainly without an accurate Knowledge Management -KM and organizational Intelligence. Because it was a passage based mainly on technology, the KM based on human resources and OI were left in the background, creating an overload of information. This study presents a model of Knowledge Management and organizational Intelligence for Public Administration (KMOI) that draws on the works of Angelis (2013). The goal of this KM-OI framework is to identify influential environmental factors that can be used to guide a KM plan and development efforts of public administrations worldwide.




How to Cite

De Angelis, C. T. (2013). Models of Governance and the Importance of KM for Public Administration. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice. Retrieved from


